Product code:  0112 Producer: Protex (Україна)

Bentonite cord for waterproofing and sealing working seams 5x20 mm, 5 m.p.

110 Product code:0112 Producer: Protex (Україна)

Bentonite cord for waterproofing and sealing working seams 5x20 mm, 5 m.p.

For sealing places of passage of engineering communications

110 uah / pog.m

+38 067 414 61 38
0 800-400-212

Waterproofing bentonite cord "Gidrostop RED" 5x20 mm is a material designed to ensure the waterproofness of working seams in building structures and in places of communication. When in contact with water, the bentonite cord significantly increases its volume. The resulting gel in a confined space creates a stress that reduces water permeability, even in the presence of cracks and porous places in the concrete. To achieve complete sealing and isolation from moisture, the bentonite cord "Hydrostop RED" 5x20mm in the form of a tape is mounted in the seams of foundations and walls with steel nails every 30-40 cm to avoid displacement and to achieve a better connection with concrete. When mounting, it is necessary to avoid breaking the continuity of the tape position. Excellent technological performance and an easy installation method make it possible to use the product as an insulating material for joints in underground construction, hydraulic structures and civil engineering. Bentonite cord "Hydrostop RED" has a cross-section of 5x20 mm, is made of bentonite clay and is a rectangular cross-section profile that swells when in contact with water. The cord increases in volume by 4 times, i.e. by 400%, while being in the concreted joints, it covers absolutely any cracks and holes. Bentonite cord securely and firmly adheres to the concrete surface, filling seams, junctions and the smallest voids in the concrete body, forming a reliable protective layer.

Main Features:

  • excellent technological performance
  • easy installation method
  • the ability to use the product as an insulating material
  • for seams in underground construction
  • use on hydraulic structures
  • use in civil engineering

Sold in boxes of 5 m.p.

Scope of application:

  • Concreting break seams: cold, working seam
  • Inputs of engineering communications
  • Holes in concrete after removing the formwork


  • low cost
  • easy installation (does not require highly qualified installers and special tools)
  • wide operating temperature range without loss of properties -30° to 50°C
  • installation on a wet base is possible
  • plasticity
  • withstands hydrostatic effects up to 7 atmospheres.

Method of installation and installation:

Installation of bentonite cord depends on its type and is carried out using a special mesh, sealant or glue. To achieve complete sealing and isolation from moisture, the bentonite "Hydrostop RED" 5x20mm harness in the form of a tape is mounted in cold joints of foundations and walls with steel nails every 30-40 cm in order to avoid displacement and to achieve a better connection with concrete. When mounting, it is necessary to avoid breaking the continuity of the tape position.


Щільність, г/см3: 1,5

Колір червоний

Упаковка: Рулони по 5 м

Коробки: по 40 м (8 рулонів)

Гнучкість на брусі радіусом R=25 мм:

при температурі мінус 30 °С: відсутність тріщин

при температурі плюс 50 °С: відсутність тріщин

Об'ємне розширення після витримки у воді, %
-після 24 год : 25
-після 48 год : 80
-після 7 діб: 210

Розривна сила при розтягуванні, Н, не менше: 18

Відносне подовження при розриві не менше: 25

Delivery methods:

  • Delivery by courier in Kyiv (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
  • Address delivery by Nova Poshta Courier (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
    The cost of delivery is based on the carrier's tariffs
  • Nova Poshta in Ukraine (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
    The cost of delivery is based on the carrier's tariffs
  • Pickup from the Protex warehouse — Free;
    (The address of the warehouse: Kyiv, 9 Pshenychna Street. The goods can be received from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday.)

Payment methods:

  • Postpaid "Nova Poshta"
    The buyer-recipient of the parcel pays a commission of 2% + UAH 20 from the amount of the order.
  • Payment by bank card (Privatbank 4246 0010 3027 1724)
    (Recipient: Fedchenko Svitlana Serhiivna)
  • Payment by details (PrivatBank)
    IBAN account: (UA103052990000026000005026855)
    Recipient: FOP Fedchenko Svitlana Serhiyivna,
    EDRPOU: 2745422924

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