Installation of bentonite cord

Installation of bentonite cord

Bentonite cord is an effective material for sealing joints and holes in concrete structures.

Depending on the specific application, there are different types of bentonite cord, such as rectangular or circular cross-section.

Let's look at the main points of installation for different types of bentonite cord.

Bentonite cord of rectangular cross section:
To seal cold joints in concrete:

Surface preparation:

  • The surface must be smooth, free from dirt and dust.
  • There is no standing water, but low humidity is allowed.

Laying of bentonite cord:

  • It is laid on a flat surface with a distance from the edge to the harness of at least 30 mm from the side of the expected water pressure.
  • Between the reinforcement lugs, if present.


  • The connection between each other with an overlap of 50 mm or joint to joint.
  • The ends of both sides are forked by 100 mm and woven together.


  • Fastening with a mounting grid, dowels, sealant, glue or mastic.

To seal the communication inputs:


  • Embroider the junction around the pipe to the foundation.
  • Treat the concrete surface with waterproofing.

Installation of bentonite cord:

  • Wrap the cord around the pipe several times.
  • Fix it with glue, sealant or wire.

Sealing of the inputs:

  • Seal the inlets with a non-shrinkable cement-based repair compound.

Round bentonite cord with a diameter of 22 mm
For sealing holes in concrete:

  • Drill a plastic tube
  • The depth is at least 180 mm.

Hole Preparation:

  • Clean from dust, dirt, oils, and construction debris.

Installation of bentonite cord:

  • Insert a bentonite cord with a diameter of 22 mm into the hole.
  • The length of the cord depends on the thickness of the concrete structure.

Sealing the hole:

  • Seal the hole with a cement-based repair compound.
  • After solidification of the repair compound, treat with waterproofing.

These instructions provide a general picture of the installation of bentonite cord of various types, depending on its purpose.

When performing work, it is important to follow these parameters and recommendations to ensure effective sealing of concrete structures.