Plasticizer for all types of concrete PROTEX-7 5L

Complex additive for concrete and mortar mixtures, polycarboxylate-based

235 uah

Plasticizer for all types of concrete PROTEX​-7 is a complex additive for concrete and mortar mixtures, based on polycarboxylate. The additive has a plasticizing and water-reducing effect, as well as the effect of slowing down the hydration of cement in the early stages of hardening of the concrete mixture and accelerating the hardening of concrete. Allows you to obtain cast concrete mixtures without separation and water separation. The composition of the additive is adapted to domestic aggregates and cements, including slag cements, with a slag content of up to 80%.

The additive allows you to:

  • increase the ease of laying of concrete and mortar mixtures from P1 to P4;
  • increase the early (by 10-25 and grade (by 10-20) strength of concrete (with unchanged ease of placement);
  • reduce the water requirement of the concrete/mortar mixture by 10-20%
  • obtain moving mixtures laid without vibration;
  • increase the survivability of the concrete mixture to 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the quality of the materials used, manufacturing and transportation conditions.


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