Hydraulic key internal hydraulic key for expansion joints VD 240, PVC, blue, bay 20 m
Hydraulic key internal hydraulic key for expansion joints VD 240, PVC, blue, bay 20 m
Hydro-shponka internal hydro-shponka for expansion joints VD 240, PVC, bay 20 m
The VD 240 hydraulic seal is used for sealing and waterproofing movable joints during the monolithic construction of buildings, including foundations, underground parking lots, tunnels, canals, etc. mounted directly on the formwork sheet. It is used in hydraulic structures-reservoirs, canals, dams, pools, etc., as well as for waterproofing the joints of bases, foundations, tunnels, multi-level parking lots and other underground structures. They are made of plasticized polyvinyl chloride PVC-p.
- allows you to reliably embed it in a concrete structure
- the presence of ribs on the closing plane protects the penetration of moisture inside the structure
- the presence of a deformable section allows you to perceive deformations of reinforced concrete structures without breaking the tightness
- used for sealing between two concrete structures
- in particularly important structures, it is supplemented with an internal hydraulic key
- can be used in structures with special requirements to ensure tightness
- withstands high water pressure inside and outside
- suitable for all types of structures
- hydroshponka is supplied in rolls of 20 m. p
Hydrosponge VD 240, bay 20 m: Hydrosponge VD 240 from Protex is an ideal solution for sealing and waterproofing movable joints in monolithic construction of various buildings, including foundations, underground parking lots, tunnels, channels and much more. This innovative hydraulic dowel helps to reliably embed it in the concrete structure, providing long-lasting protection against moisture and ingress. The advantages of the VD 240 hydraulic key are simply indescribable. Its unique ribbed coating on the closure plane prevents moisture from entering the structure, ensuring isolation and preservation of your project. Due to the deformable area, the hydraulic key perceives the deformations of reinforced concrete structures as efficiently as possible without breaking the tightness. This product is ideal for sealing between two concrete structures and can be used in particularly important projects with special requirements for tightness. The use of an internal hydraulic key in such structures complements and strengthens its effectiveness. Do not forget about the high strength of this hydraulic key. It withstands high water pressure, both inside and outside, guaranteeing reliable and durable waterproofing. Moreover, it is suitable for all types of structures, allowing to use it in a wide variety of projects. Protex Hydroshponka VD 240 is available in rolls of 20 meters long, providing convenience in use. When you buy this product, you get a high-quality sealing and waterproofing solution that will exceed your expectations.
Представляємо вам продукт, який з легкістю впорається з герметизацією і гідроізоляцією рухомих швів - гидрошпонка ВД 240 від Protex. Ідеально підходить для монолітного будівництва будівель, включаючи фундаменти, підземні паркінги, тунелі, канали та багато іншого. Завдяки своїй безпосередній установці на лист опалубки він забезпечує надійний гідротехнічний захист. Основні переваги гідрошпонки Protex ВД 240:
1. Наявність ребер на площині замикання запобігає проникненню вологи всередину конструкції, забезпечуючи її довговічність і надійність.
2. Деформована ділянка дозволяє гідрошпонці сприймати деформації залізобетонних конструкцій без порушення герметичності, забезпечуючи стабільність всієї конструкції.
3. Ідеально підходить для ущільнення між двома бетонними конструкціями, забезпечуючи ефективну гідроізоляцію.
4. У разі особливо важливих конструкцій, гидрошпонка доповнюється внутрішньої гидрошпонкой, забезпечуючи додатковий захист.
5. Може використовуватися в конструкціях з особливими вимогами для забезпечення ідеальної герметичності-ніяка вода не проникне!
6. Витримує високий Водний тиск як зовні, так і всередині, забезпечуючи повний захист від вологи.
7. Підходить для всіх видів конструкцій, дозволяючи використовувати його в різних проектах.
8. Гідрошпонка Protex ВД 240 поставляється в рулонах довжиною 20 метрів, що забезпечує зручність і економію при установці.
Не пропустіть можливість використовувати надійний і ефективний інструмент для гідроізоляції і герметизації.
Вибирайте гідрошпонку ВД 240 від Protex і довіртеся перевіреній якості.
How to install a hydraulic key?
The hydraulic dowel is installed in the design position so that the middle of the hydraulic dowel is in the center of the intended seam.
Fastening is carried out directly to the formwork. Holes for fastening are allowed to be made only in the extreme zone of the hydraulic dowel, behind the extreme anchor. The fastening step is 200-300 mm, symmetrically on both sides. Additional fastening is carried out in the same way to the reinforcing frame with a knitting wire. The spigot is connected by welding, by heating the ends of the spigot in a special conductor (for each spigot – an individual conductor) or with the help of an industrial hair dryer or a flat Tena. The temperature of adhesion is about 200 ° C (chosen experimentally). To connect the pins by the "cold" method, glue is used, for example, a one-component pasty glue based on
silane-modified Innoellast polymer.
Hydroshponka VD 240 is an ideal choice for reliable sealing and waterproofing of movable seams in monolithic construction. It is used in all types of structures, including foundations, underground parking lots, tunnels, canals and much more. With special attention to detail, the hydraulic key is mounted directly on the formwork sheets, which ensures impermeability to moisture and protection of the concrete structure. The unique advantage of the VD 240 hydraulic key is the presence of ribs on the locking plane, which prevent the possibility of moisture ingress into the structure. At the same time, the deformable section of the hydraulic key allows you to reliably perceive the deformations of reinforced concrete structures without breaking the tightness. Our hydraulic plug can also be used in hydraulic structures, including reservoirs, canals, dams, pools and other objects, as well as for waterproofing the seams of bases, foundations, tunnels, multi-level parking lots and underground structures. We make a hydroshponka from plasticized polyvinyl chloride PVC-p, which guarantees high strength and durability of the material. Our hydraulic key can withstand high water pressure, both inside and outside the structure. In the case of particularly important objects, we recommend using an internal hydraulic seal for additional tightness. The product is supplied in convenient rolls of 20 meters long, which ensures convenience and economy during installation. Choose the VD 240 hydraulic plug for reliable and effective waterproofing in any conditions and requirements!
Delivery methods:
- Delivery by courier in Kyiv (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
- Address delivery by Nova Poshta Courier (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
The cost of delivery is based on the carrier's tariffs - Nova Poshta in Ukraine (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
The cost of delivery is based on the carrier's tariffs - Pickup from the Protex warehouse — Free;
(The address of the warehouse: Kyiv, 9 Pshenychna Street. The goods can be received from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday.)
Payment methods:
- Postpaid "Nova Poshta"
The buyer-recipient of the parcel pays a commission of 2% + UAH 20 from the amount of the order. - Payment by bank card (Privatbank 4246 0010 3027 1724)
(Recipient: Fedchenko Svitlana Serhiivna) - Payment by details (PrivatBank)
IBAN account: (UA103052990000026000005026855)
Recipient: FOP Fedchenko Svitlana Serhiyivna,
EDRPOU: 2745422924