Sealant tape K2 for gluing spiked membrane, width 15 mm, thickness 1.5 mm, 45 m.p.
Sealant tape K2 for gluing spiked membrane, width 15 mm, thickness 1.5 mm, 45 m.p.
Aqua Protect sealant tape for gluing the joints of the spiked membrane (LB|K2) 15 mm wide, 1 mm thick
Бутилкаучукова герметик-стрічка К-2 - пароізоляційна герметизуюча стрічка, призначена для склеювання паро - і гідробар'єру, мембран, а також матеріалів зі сталі, скла, пінопласту, поліетилену, алюмінію і т.д. універсальна, екологічна, не содердит шкідливих речовин. Застосовується для склеювання підпокрівельних плівок, герметизації стиків, повітроводів, для монтажу ізоляції, при монтажі та ремонті сантехнічних комунікацій, для автомобільних фургонів (кунгів). Еластична по всій довжині і стійка до пошкоджень.
Переваги використання:
- Відмінна клейкість на більшість матеріалів
- Без випаровування не містить розчинників
- Без затвердіння, еластичний по всій довжині
- Руки і поверхня залишаються чистими
- Великий термін служби
- Не містить небезпечних для життя речовин
Temperature range: from -40 - 80 ° C
Application temperature: not less than 5°C
Manufacturer Ukraine
Tape type: double-sided adhesive
Base: butyl rubber
Thickness: 1 mm
Penetration depth (penetration at 25 ° C): 65-70 units.
Width: 15 mm
Length of the roll: 45 pog.m
Sealant density: 1.37 g/cm3
Water absorption: no more than 0.3%
Deformation to breaking: not less than 50%
Resistance to UV radiation: resistant
Adhesion to the surface of PE, PP, metal, glass, wood, concrete: high
Operating temperature: from -40 to 80°C
Application temperature: from 5 to 30°C
Storage temperature: from 5 to 25°C
Storage period: 24 months
Toxicity: None
K-2 sealing tape 15*1.0 is a vapor-insulating sealing tape intended for gluing vapor-hydrobarrier and membranes, as well as materials made of steel, glass, foam, polyethylene, aluminum. Universal, environmentally friendly, does not contain harmful substances. It is used for gluing under-roof films, sealing joints, air ducts, for installation of insulation, for installation and repair of sanitary communications, for automobile vans (kungs). Elastic along the entire length and resistant to damage. Butyl rubber tape with a double-sided working surface of constant stickiness, which is protected by siliconized paper. Excellent adhesion to various surfaces: glass, aluminum, steel, polymer coatings, fiberglass and other construction surfaces.
- gluing of roofing, vapor barrier and waterproofing films
- sealing of the adjacent film around the perimeter of the roof
- sealing of the joints of profile sheets of the roof and facade
- for metal structures, containers, refrigerating chambers
- for car vans
- installation of heat-insulating materials
Delivery methods:
- Delivery by courier in Kyiv (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
- Address delivery by Nova Poshta Courier (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
The cost of delivery is based on the carrier's tariffs - Nova Poshta in Ukraine (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
The cost of delivery is based on the carrier's tariffs - Pickup from the Protex warehouse — Free;
(The address of the warehouse: Kyiv, 9 Pshenychna Street. The goods can be received from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday.)
Payment methods:
- Postpaid "Nova Poshta"
The buyer-recipient of the parcel pays a commission of 2% + UAH 20 from the amount of the order. - Payment by bank card (Privatbank 4246 0010 3027 1724)
(Recipient: Fedchenko Svitlana Serhiivna) - Payment by details (PrivatBank)
IBAN account: (UA103052990000026000005026855)
Recipient: FOP Fedchenko Svitlana Serhiyivna,
EDRPOU: 2745422924