How do I choose a suitable geotextile?

The choice of a suitable geotextile depends on the specific project and its requirements.
Here are some key steps that can help you choose the right geotextile:
Define the purpose of use:
- Drainage systems require geotextiles with high throughput, rigidity and porosity.
- When building roads, it is recommended to use non-woven fabric with reinforcement for uniform load distribution.
Consider the manufacturing method:
- Thermally bonded geotextile has increased strength at a lower thickness, but may have limited throughput.
- Needle-punched geotextiles may be less durable, but more water-permeable.
Choose the type of material:
- Polyester and polypropylene geotextiles are considered high-quality materials.
- Monofilament geotextiles usually have high strength.
- Geotextile made of mixed yarns can be used in some projects, but its limited characteristics should be taken into account.
Determine the density of the geotextile:
- Geotextiles with a density of 200 to 300 g/m2 are recommended for drainage systems.
- Depending on the project, other density ranges may be used.
Take into account the operating conditions:
- Consider the sensitivity of the material to radiation and follow the recommendations for removing the packaging.
- Consider the intensity of the water flow and the size of the trench when choosing an overlap.
Follow the manufacturer's recommendations when laying:
- Clean the trench of debris and align the walls.
- Follow the rules for handling the material during installation.
- Consider the overlap, allowances, and other styling recommendations.
Pay attention to the brand and reviews:
- Consider reviews about the manufacturer and the specific brand of geotextile.
- Pay attention to product guarantees and certifications.
The choice of geotextiles is an important stage in the construction or arrangement of drainage systems, so it is important to carefully study the requirements of the project and the characteristics of the available materials.