Garden paths using polypropylene fiber

Garden paths are a very popular and widespread element of decoration and functional use in private construction and in garden farms, in park areas, as well as in places where there is a restriction on the area of use of oversized large equipment for laying asphalt. At the same time, the tracks experience constant mechanical loads and the influence of weather conditions. Their task is not just to withstand all these loads, but also to maintain aesthetic appeal.
The main advantages of garden paths:
durability in compliance with the manufacturing technology with the use of additives for concrete
- low cost when using sand, cement, and additives, such as fiber, plasticizers for concrete, which reduce water consumption, reduce the cost of the finished product, increasing its strength and durability
- wide possibilities in design and shape, because using polypropylene fiber for concrete, it is possible to avoid cracking of the product and preserving its shape.
When making garden paths, it is simply necessary to use polypropylene fiber of this type. Fiber is much more convenient to use when mixing concrete. In the manufacture of small concrete forms and products, which are garden paths, they can replace the anchor mesh.
Advantages of using polypropylene fiber:
prevents the appearance of microcracks during concrete shrinkage, prevents the formation of cracks after shrinkage
- increases abrasion resistance
- providing excellent appearance even after a long service life
- guarantees a smoother surface of the finished product
- increases frost resistance indicators
- increases resistance to shocks and other adverse mechanical influences
- it is a more profitable option in economic terms
Fiber is used in construction to improve the quality characteristics of concrete. Fiber is added to the dry mixture or to the finished solution. At the same time, the fiber is easily evenly distributed, even with manual stirring.
Polypropylene fiber fiber is not exposed to acidic and alkaline environments, so it can be used for various construction cement-sand mixtures with additives, for gypsum mixtures, for gas and pentobeton, cellular concrete.
Preparation of concrete for garden paths:
The mortar for garden paths is made by mixing 1 part of cement with 2.5 parts of sand and 4 parts of gravel. To reduce the number of cracks in the finished track, polypropylene fiber is mixed into the solution at the rate of 600 g of fiber per 1 cubic meter of the finished mixture.
To prepare the base for a garden path, we recommend using a spike-shaped membrane with a density of 400 g/m.kv with geotextile. It will simultaneously serve as drainage and prevent the germination of plant roots.