Fiber as a replacement for welded mesh when reinforcing the structure

Fiber as a replacement for welded mesh when reinforcing the structure

In order to increase the strength of concrete structures, reinforcement is used in most cases.  Previously, frames made of expensive steel reinforcement or welded mesh were used everywhere for this purpose. Now there is an interesting alternative – reinforcement of concrete structures with fiber. Ordinary polypropylene fiber is not suitable for this, since it prevents concrete cracking only at the early stages of hardening. We offer an alternative to reinforcement with welded mesh - synthetic <span>Polyex Mesh co-polymer fiber</span>.

Depending on the purpose of the construction and the specifics of construction work, Polyex Mesh fibers are available in the following sizes: 12mm, 24mm; 38mm; 54mm Can Polyex Mesh co-polymer fiber be used for concrete reinforcement?

Polyex Mesh fiber is a fiber consisting of a special mixture of co-polymer and polypropylene.

They create reinforcement in three dimensions, which reduces or completely eliminates plastic shrinkage of concrete, is an alternative to reinforcement with steel fibers, metal fiber, reinforcement frame and anti-shrink welded grids.We do not recommend using fiber as an independent additive when installing floor slabs, balconies, load-bearing structures, and other structures that take a serious load.

But in combination with reinforcement at critical facilities, the use of fiber will save concrete and improve its operational characteristics.

Using Polyex Mesh fiber in the construction of parking for cars, sidewalks, driveways on a private plot, industrial floors in warehouses, manufacturing and all other areas, fiber easily replaces conventional steel fittings completely.Is it possible to combine Polyex Mesh reinforcement fiber with other concrete additives?

Fiber from a mixture of co-polymer and polypropylene Polyex Mesh is well combined in concrete mortar with other additives, such as:


For uniform distribution, the fibers should be added to the finished concrete mix.

Fibers are added to concrete at a concrete plant, to a concrete truck (mixer) or to a concrete mixer at a construction site, mixing for at least 5 minutes / every 1 m3. For optimal results, the fibers must be dry.

What is the consumption of Polyex Mesh fiber per 1 cubic meter of concrete?Depending on the purpose of concrete: 1-3 kg of fibers per 1 m3 of concrete.

This amount allows you to give the concrete excellent properties and in some cases completely eliminate the phenomenon of plastic shrinkage.

The use of synthetic Polyex Mesh fiber does not damage the concrete mixing equipment. Packaging bags are completely dissolved in the concrete mass at the mixing stage, without creating unnecessary inconveniences.


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