What is Polyex Mesh fiber

What is Polyex Mesh fiber

Polyex Mesh fiber is synthetic fibers twisted in a flagellum, consisting of a special mixture of co-polymer and polypropylene. They were created in order to reinforce, improve the mechanical properties and durability of concrete. Such synthetic fiber is the best replacement for steel fiber reinforcement, since steel fibers significantly weigh down the concrete structure and contribute to concrete corrosion. Concrete and mortar with the use of Polyex Mesh structural fiber has better properties compared to concrete reinforced with steel fibers. The addition of Polyex Mesh fiber increases the impact strength of concrete, its corrosion resistance, as the fibers stop shrinkage caused by early cracking of concrete, and also increase its density.

Polyex Mesh fiber creates a three-dimensional reinforcement that almost completely eliminates plastic shrinkage of concrete when pouring onto a ground base, in the production of iron-concrete products, trays, drainage systems, drinking water tanks, swimming pools, elements of enclosing structures, shotcrete.

The main advantages of using Polyex Mesh synthetic fiber are:

  • increased impact strength
  • increased bending strength
  • reduction of shrinkage cracks
  • increased resistance to weather factors
  • increasing frost resistance cycles
  • no corrosion
  • increased wear resistance
  • comfortable styling
  • increased durability
  • replacement of steel anti-shrink nets in floors
  • additional resistance to fragmentation
  • convenient dosage and mixing
  • uniform distribution of fibers in the concrete mix
  • reducing the wear of concrete feeding equipment

When performing what works can Polyex Mesh fiber be used?

  • concrete industrial self-leveling floors
  • road and bridge coverings
  • devices of cement-sand floor screed
  • outdoor areas, parking lots
  • concrete slabs, foundations
  • monolithic structures, reinforced concrete piles, concrete columns
  • building mortars, dry mixes and plasters
  • casting of small architectural forms from concrete

Convenient dosage, mixing and uniform distribution in the concrete mass is provided by a variety of fiber lengths.
Polyex Mesh fibers are available in the following sizes: 12mm, 24mm; 38mm; 54mm.

What is the dosage of Polyex Mesh fiber per 1m3 of concrete?

Depending on the purpose of concrete, from 1 to 3 kg of synthetic reinforcing fiber Polyex Mesh per 1 m3 of concrete. This amount allows you to give the concrete excellent properties and, in some cases, completely eliminate the phenomenon of plastic shrinkage.
For comparison, the dosage of steel fiber is 25 - 40 kg / 1 m3 of concrete

Application Features:
For uniform distribution, the fibers should be added to the finished concrete mix. Fibers are added to concrete at a concrete plant, in a concrete truck (mixer) or in a concrete mixer at a construction site, mixing for at least 5 minutes / every 1 m3. For optimal results, the fibers must be dry.
The use of synthetic Polyex Mesh fiber does not damage the concrete mixing equipment. Packaging bags are completely dissolved in the concrete mass at the mixing stage, without creating unnecessary inconveniences.
We are the only official representatives and suppliers of Polyex Mesh fiber in Ukraine.
Our specialists are ready to answer all your questions concerning the use and dosage of synthetic Polyex Mesh copolymer fiber.

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