Product code:  0313 Producer: Protex (Україна)

Needle-punched geotextile with a density of 300 g/sq.m., a roll of 100 sq.m., 2x50 m

4440 Product code:0313 Producer: Protex (Україна)

Needle-punched geotextile with a density of 300 g/sq.m., a roll of 100 sq.m., 2x50 m

For use in the arrangement of drainage systems and in the agricultural sector

4440 uah / roll

+38 067 414 61 38
0 800-400-212

Needle-punched geotextile has a large elongation coefficient, easily takes the necessary shape and has excellent filtering abilities in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

The main functions of geotextile:

  • lack of reaction with aggressive environment – not prone to mold formation, not afraid of high humidity, which allows you to protect the system from silting for many years;
  • resistant to rodents, moles, insects and other pests that can damage the integrity of the material;
  • it is environmentally safe for humans – artificial fibers buried in the ground do not emit toxic substances, therefore they do not harm the flower beds or vegetables in the beds;
  • resistance to temperature changes – fiber does not lose its properties under the influence of temperature changes from 110 ° C to -60 ° C, therefore it is in demand in any climate;
  • ease of handling due to the fabric base of the material, high strength and elasticity allow it to be quickly laid in the necessary pieces.

Scope of application:

  • Construction – in a flat roof system; for waterproofing as a reinforcing layer; when paving the road; for drainage; foundation construction.
  • In landscape design – the creation of Alpine slides; arrangement of reservoirs; under the sidewalks; construction of sports grounds and football fields.
  • In the clothing and footwear industry – as a cushioning and strengthening material.
  • In the furniture industry – as a separating and protective material.
  • In agriculture – protection of plants from weeds, frost, sun, wind
  • In drainage systems 

Type: Needle punch
Thickness at a pressure of 2 kN/m2, mm: 1.5
Surface density, g/m2: 100
Tensile strength limit, kN/m: 4
Strength at 5% elongation, kN/m: 3
Type of application:


CBR pressing, H: 500
Water permeability: 100 l/m2*sec
Water permeability at 20 kN/m2, 10*-4 m/s: 0.1
Length, m: 50
Width, m: 2
Dimensions (WxD), m: 2x50
Thickness, mm: 2.5

Geotextile installation is a process that plays a key role in construction, especially when working with road surfaces, soil structures and landscape design.

Here are some steps that will help in the correct laying of geotextile:

Surface preparation: Ensure that the surface on which the geotextile will be laid is free of debris, sharp objects and stones. Carry out preparatory work as necessary, including leveling and compacting the soil.

Geotextile selection and installation: Select the appropriate type of geotextile according to your project requirements. When laying the geotextile, make sure that it spreads evenly and without folds over the entire surface. Make sure that the geotextile is not damaged during installation.

Laying of layers: If you need to use several layers of geotextile, lay them in such a way that each layer overlaps the previous one by a sufficient length (usually at least 10-20 cm). This will help prevent soil infiltration and preserve the integrity of the structure.

Fixation of geotextile: It is important to ensure reliable fixation of geotextile so that it does not move during construction work or as a result of the environment. For this, you can use fasteners, pins, loads or other special devices.

Checking the quality of the installation: After completing the installation, check the quality of the work done. Make sure that the geotextile is laid flat and without creases, that it is securely fastened, and that there is no unforeseen damage.

Protection of the geotextile: After laying the geotextile, it should be protected from external influences such as ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage and chemicals. For this, you can use additional protective layers or special coatings.

Following these steps will help ensure the geotextile is properly laid and maintain its effectiveness throughout its lifetime.

Remember that the correct application of geotextile is important for the durability and stability of building structures.

Як правильно укладати геотекстиль?

Геотекстиль може розкочуватися вручну або за допомогою спеціальної техніки. Це залежить від ширини рулону. Простежте, щоб укладання відбувалося рівним шаром без складок та перекручування. Перед укладанням геотекстилю необхідно ретельно видалити кореневища, каміння та інше сміття, підготувати ґрунтову основу, вирівняти ділянку. При використанні кількох рулонів геотекстиль укладають внахлест з перекриттям сусіднього полотна на 10-30 см. Це допоможе уникнути перемішування шарів і зміщення при засипанні сипких матеріалів.

Який геотекстиль краще пропускає воду?

Всі геотекстильні полотна добре пропускають воду через себе, але кожен із видів має свій показник водопроникності. Водопроникність геотекстилю визначають кількістю рідини, що проходить через полотно в заданий період часу та вимірюється в л/сек/м2. Чим вище щільність геотекстилю, тим меншою водопроникністю він має. Тому краще пропускає воду геотекстиль із невеликою щільністю, від 80 до 200 гр/м2 залежно від виду геотекстильного полотна.

Delivery methods:

  • Delivery by courier in Kyiv (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
  • Address delivery by Nova Poshta Courier (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
    The cost of delivery is based on the carrier's tariffs
  • Nova Poshta in Ukraine (1-3 working days, cost according to the carrier's tariffs);
    The cost of delivery is based on the carrier's tariffs
  • Pickup from the Protex warehouse — Free;
    (The address of the warehouse: Kyiv, 9 Pshenychna Street. The goods can be received from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from Monday to Friday.)

Payment methods:

  • Postpaid "Nova Poshta"
    The buyer-recipient of the parcel pays a commission of 2% + UAH 20 from the amount of the order.
  • Payment by bank card (Privatbank 4246 0010 0406 7967)
    (Recipient: Fedchenko Svitlana Serhiivna, Privatbank 4246 0010 3027 1724)
  • Payment by details (PrivatBank)
    IBAN account: (UA103052990000026000005026855)
    Recipient: FOP Fedchenko Svitlana Serhiyivna,
    EDRPOU: 2745422924